Israeli Soldier Shoots and Kills Christian Women in Gaza Church, Sparking Outrage

In a tragic incident that has shocked the world, an Israeli soldier shot and killed two Christian women inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza City. The victims, Nahida and her daughter Samar, were walking to the Sister’s Convent when they were mercilessly gunned down. The incident occurred on the grounds of a Catholic church where Christian families have sought shelter since the Israel-Hamas war broke out.

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which represents the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, condemned the attack in a statement. They emphasized that no warning was given before the shooting started and pointed out that the victims were shot in cold blood inside the premises of the Parish, where there were no belligerents. The patriarchate also revealed that seven more people were injured while trying to protect others.

The church, which has been accommodating Christians in Gaza, has faced direct Israeli bombardment over the past few days. Parts of the church have been destroyed, and snipers have been targeting any moving object in the yard, according to local reports. Additionally, an Israeli tank fired three projectiles that hit a convent of the Sisters of Mother Teresa charity, causing damage and rendering a building housing 54 disabled people uninhabitable.

The Vatican press agency reported that three people were wounded in the strikes. The patriarchate expressed concern for the 800 remaining Christians in Gaza, stating that they are on the verge of extinction. The number of Christians in Gaza has significantly decreased in recent years, with only approximately 1,000 left compared to the 3,000 registered in 2007.

The flight of Christians from Gaza has been accelerated by the Israeli blockade imposed after Hamas gained control of the enclave in 2007. The blockade, combined with the economic challenges and limited access to education and healthcare, has made it difficult for the community to thrive. Many Christians have sought better opportunities in the West Bank, America, Canada, or the Arab world.

Gaza’s Christians are among the oldest communities in the Middle East, dating back to the first century. They have faced significant hardships, including displacement following the creation of the state of Israel, which they refer to as the Nakba or “catastrophe.” Despite these challenges, the Christian and Muslim communities have shown solidarity in their shared struggle for survival and dream of freedom.

Italy’s top diplomat, Antonio Tajani, issued a heartfelt appeal to the Israeli government and army to protect Christian places of worship. He emphasized that these churches are not where Hamas terrorists are hiding. Israel has stated that it is investigating the incident at the Holy Family church.

The tragic incident at the Holy Family Parish highlights the plight of Christians in Gaza and the urgent need for their protection. The international community must unite in condemning violence against innocent civilians and work towards a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in the region. The world’s oldest Christian community is under threat, and action must be taken to ensure their survival.

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