Unsolved Murder of Nebraska Catholic Priest Revives Attention on Cold Case of Wisconsin Clergyman

The recent stabbing death of Catholic priest Rev. Alfred Kunz in his Nebraska church’s rectory has brought renewed attention to the unsolved cold case murder of another clergyman in a Wisconsin Catholic school. The suspect, Kierre Williams, a 43-year-old Iowa man, was arrested at the scene by deputies in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska. Authorities do not believe the two cases are connected.

Rev. Stephen Gutgsell, the Nebraska priest, called 911 to report an attempted break-in just five minutes before he was fatally stabbed. When deputies arrived, they found Williams on top of the priest, who was still alive and calling for help. Unfortunately, Rev. Gutgsell later succumbed to his injuries at a hospital in Omaha. He had been stabbed in the face and back, and also had defensive wounds on his arms and hands.

Investigations have revealed that Williams had no ties to the community or the victim, and was most recently from Iowa. Public records indicate that he had a criminal history in multiple states and at least one prior felony conviction. The motive behind the attack remains unknown.

In March 1998, Catholic school teacher Brian Jackson discovered the body of Rev. Alfred Kunz in the school attached to St. Michael Catholic Church in Dane, Wisconsin. Kunz, who had a reputation as a traditional conservative, was found with a slashed throat and other stab wounds. Despite numerous potential suspects being eyed over the years, including the teacher who found the body and a thief with a record of stealing church relics, the case remains unsolved.

Authorities have speculated that Kunz’s death may have been in retaliation for his work investigating abusive priests, as well as his conservative beliefs that put him at odds with liberals in the church at the time. The state had also experienced a series of burglaries targeting churches, particularly Catholic ones, leading up to Kunz’s murder.

While investigators in Dane County have not found any evidence connecting Gutgsell’s murder to Kunz’s death, they are still actively working on the cold case. Madison Area Crime Stoppers is offering a reward for any information regarding the case.

In the Nebraska case, Williams has been formally charged with murder, burglary, and other charges. He is currently being held without bond, and his next hearing is scheduled for January 3.

The unsolved murders of these two Catholic priests highlight the ongoing challenges faced by law enforcement in bringing closure to such cases. The communities are left mourning the loss of their spiritual leaders, while the motives and identities of the killers remain unknown. The investigations continue, and both cases serve as a reminder of the importance of justice in ensuring the safety and well-being of religious institutions and their members.

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