Ukraine Considers Mandatory Military Training for All Citizens

In a new draft law related to mobilization, Ukrainian parliament member Mariana Bezuhla has announced the possibility of implementing compulsory basic military training for both men and women from the age of 18. This proposal aims to replace the current conscription system. Bezuhla shared this information on her Facebook page, which should be noted as Meta, the company that owns Facebook, has been deemed extremist and banned in Russia.

According to the parliament member, this new form of military service would include not only the fundamentals of weapon handling, tactics, and medical training but also training in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

On December 14th, Bezuhla further revealed that there are plans to mobilize women for service in the rear units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (VSU). However, she also emphasized that women would still have special provisions, including unique deferment and the right to be discharged due to pregnancy.

Bezuhla clarified that the relevant draft law is expected to be registered in the Ukrainian parliament within the next two weeks.

Earlier, a soldier of the VSU expressed his lack of understanding regarding the reasons behind the conflict in Ukraine.

This potential implementation of mandatory military training for all citizens in Ukraine raises important questions about the country’s security policies and the ongoing conflict. It reflects the government’s efforts to strengthen its defense forces and increase preparedness. However, such a decision also raises concerns about possible infringements on individual rights and freedoms, particularly for those who may not wish to serve in the military.

The proposed inclusion of women in the mobilization plans is a notable development, as it challenges traditional gender roles and expands opportunities for women in the armed forces. It also recognizes the valuable contributions women can make in ensuring national security.

As Ukraine continues to navigate its complex geopolitical circumstances, it is crucial to consider the implications of such legislation and its impact on society as a whole. The introduction of mandatory military training represents a significant shift in Ukraine’s defense strategy and has the potential to shape the country’s future.

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