Sen. Eric Schmitt Calls for Stronger Border Security and Addresses Antisemitism on College Campuses

In an exclusive interview with Digital, Senator Eric Schmitt discussed the pressing need for stronger border security in President Biden’s aid supplemental and highlighted the rise of antisemitism on college campuses. Schmitt, a Republican senator from Missouri, criticized the ongoing debate in Congress, stating that Ukraine, Israel, and border security should be addressed separately. He expressed frustration with the left’s influence on the Democratic Party and called for a more informed and deliberative approach to these crucial issues.

Schmitt emphasized that border security should be the top priority in the aid supplemental, especially considering the recent surge in migrant encounters at the southern border. With over 12,000 illegal immigrants encountered in a single day, Schmitt argued that America’s border must be secured before sending money overseas. He criticized the Democrats for their perceived lack of seriousness in closing the border, stating that the party has become the party of open borders. Schmitt expressed concerns about potential terrorism threats on American soil and urged the Biden administration to enforce immigration laws more effectively.

Addressing the issue of antisemitism on college campuses, Schmitt stated that the recent rhetoric and chants targeting Jews should not come as a surprise to those who have been paying attention. He criticized college campuses for allowing such a culture to thrive and referred to them as “indoctrination camps for cultural Marxism.” Schmitt highlighted the dangers of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) teachings in schools and argued that American ideals should be reinfused into college campuses to rebuild the education system and foster unity among people.

Schmitt’s remarks on border security and antisemitism reflect the broader concerns among Republicans regarding the Biden administration’s policies. As the debate over the aid supplemental continues in Congress, Schmitt’s call for a more focused and informed approach is likely to resonate with conservative lawmakers and supporters. The senator’s emphasis on strengthening America’s borders and combating antisemitism on college campuses aligns with the Republican Party’s priorities. It remains to be seen how these issues will be addressed and whether bipartisan consensus can be achieved.

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