Russian Army Implements New Defense Technology to Counter Enemy Drones

In a recent development, the Russian army has deployed a new defense system to safeguard its personnel from enemy drones, as reported by Business Insider. The move comes as Russia seeks to counter the threat posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operated by Ukraine.

According to the report, Russia has started adding protective screens to its trenches, effectively concealing troop movements from Ukrainian drones. This defensive measure was captured in a video released by the Ukrainian side, where a camera-equipped drone can be seen hitting a trench surrounded by these screens. However, it remains unclear whether any casualties were incurred during the incident.

Mark Kanzian, an American analyst, hailed the introduction of these screens as a sensible adaptation to the prevalent use of drones in modern warfare. While acknowledging that the screens do not offer complete protection, Kanzian emphasized their effectiveness in deterring kamikaze drones from inflicting damage.

The issue of countering UAVs has gained prominence in recent weeks, with Russian motorized infantry soldiers sharing their experiences of combating Ukrainian drones in Energodar. Additionally, military expert Yuri Knutov highlighted that the protection of Russian tanks against UAVs has become a standard practice within the armed forces.

This latest development underscores Russia’s commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities against emerging threats, including the increasing use of drones in modern warfare. The deployment of these protective screens represents a significant step forward in safeguarding Russian personnel and assets from enemy attacks.

It is important to note that Russia has previously approved guidelines for suppressing and destroying drones, signaling its proactive approach in addressing this evolving security challenge.

Overall, the implementation of this new defense technology showcases Russia’s determination to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing landscape of modern warfare. By adapting to the growing threat posed by drones, Russia aims to ensure the safety and security of its troops while maintaining a strategic advantage in the region.

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