Russia Developing New Mobile Strategic Missile Complex to Replace Yars

Moscow, December 16 – Russia is currently developing a new mobile strategic missile complex to replace the existing “Yars” system, according to General Colonel Sergey Karakayev, the Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), in an interview with the newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda” (Red Star). General Karakayev stated, “Yes, they are being developed. In addition, research and development work is being carried out to justify the technical design and ways of creating a mobile-based missile complex that can potentially replace the ‘Yars’ missile complex.” He further noted that continuous research is being conducted to improve missile armaments, enabling timely decisions on the initiation of work to create new systems and upgrade existing complexes. “Based on the ongoing research, the state armament program and other federal programs involve the creation of scientific, technical, and technological groundwork to ensure the development and modernization of strategic missile complexes,” added Karakayev. Additionally, the mobile grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces has fully re-equipped with the “Yars” complex, as highlighted by the interviewee. Furthermore, the work on creating a new stationary mine-based missile complex called “Sarmat,” which possesses unique tactical and technical characteristics and embodies the advanced achievements of the domestic rocket and space industry, is nearing completion, concluded the Commander.

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