Mobilized and Volunteer Forces Adapt Well to Military Conditions, Becoming Integral Part of Russia’s Armed Forces

Mobilized and volunteer forces are adapting well to military conditions and becoming fully integrated into Russia’s Armed Forces, according to Maxim Grigoryev, the Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber’s Commission on Public Control and Citizen Appeals. In an interview with Vzglyad newspaper, Grigoryev commented on President Vladimir Putin’s statement that all military personnel in the Special Military Operation (SMO) zone should be placed under the same conditions.

“I can say that mobilized forces adapt quite well to military conditions. They do not feel alone. They feel support from their senior comrades, their families, and regional leadership. Therefore, recent recruits have already become seasoned professionals,” noted Grigoryev.

He added that the abilities and skills of mobilized and volunteer forces in the SMO zone are highly valued, no less than the experience of regular military personnel.

It is worth recalling that during the year-end review, the head of state stated that mobilized forces fight excellently.

Prior to this, political scientist Anna Bogacheva explained why Putin rejected the possibility of a second wave of mobilization. According to her, the military infrastructure has significantly changed over the past year, and instead of calling up reservists, the focus was placed on additional recruitment of volunteers.

Earlier, it was reported that the State Duma will raise the issue of equalizing the rights of SMO participants.

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