Missouri Attorney General Calls for Congressional Probe into Justice Department Grant Funding Progressive Prosecutors

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has taken a stand against progressive prosecutors and their criminal justice reforms, urging members of Congress to investigate a Justice Department grant that he believes supports a “radically progressive” group linked to George Soros. Bailey claims that this group, the Vera Institute, is responsible for training prosecutors in a soft-on-crime approach, which he argues is detrimental to public safety.

In letters sent to both Republican and Democrat lawmakers, Bailey requested further investigation into and the elimination of funding for programs that encourage prosecutors to abuse their discretion by refusing to bring criminals to justice. Bailey’s call for action comes after a disturbing incident in Missouri, where a repeat criminal, released on bail by St. Louis circuit attorney Kim Gardner, caused a car accident that resulted in a young girl losing both of her legs. Gardner ultimately resigned amid criticism from both political parties.

Bailey criticizes the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for funding organizations like the Vera Institute, which he describes as turning streets into war zones. He accuses the Vera Institute, known for its ties to Washington, D.C. Democrats, of being a deeply embedded partner in Gardner’s office, prioritizing lowering prosecution rates over convicting violent criminals. It is revealed that George Soros’ Open Society Foundations has donated nearly $11 million to the Vera Institute in previous years.

According to Bailey, Gardner’s partnership with the Vera Institute aimed to shrink the criminal legal system’s footprint and focus on racial equity. He argues that this experiment was disastrous, as it disconnected the office from sound law enforcement practices. The Vera Institute, however, defends its partnership with Gardner, stating that it worked on analyzing her office data, measuring racial disparities, and identifying areas for reform. The group claims that its recommendations are based on research and data from the St. Louis community and seek to promote public health and safety through alternatives to prosecution and incarceration.

Bailey’s letters highlight the significant funding that the Vera Institute has received from the DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs, dating back to at least 2009. This raises concerns about the government’s role in supporting organizations that may undermine the rule of law. Bailey emphasizes the challenges faced by state leaders who have to fight not only progressive prosecutors and radical billionaires but also their own DOJ, which uses tax dollars to undermine the justice system in communities.

The Department of Justice has not responded to requests for comment regarding Bailey’s concerns.

In conclusion, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s call for a congressional probe into the Justice Department grant funding of progressive prosecutors and organizations like the Vera Institute sheds light on the ongoing debate surrounding criminal justice reforms. The issue of balancing public safety and racial equity remains at the forefront, with conservatives expressing concerns about potential abuse of prosecutorial discretion. This development underscores the larger political divide between Republicans and Democrats on issues related to law enforcement and criminal justice.

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