Millions of Americans Overpaid by Social Security Administration, Pressing for Answers

Millions of Americans have been erroneously overpaid by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and are now being demanded to repay thousands of dollars, according to a bipartisan letter sent by House members in the Ohio delegation. The letter, addressed to Dr. Kilolo Kijakazi, the acting commissioner of the SSA, seeks answers regarding the agency’s efforts to recover overpayments from individuals who did nothing wrong.

The impacted individuals, many of whom are elderly or disabled and rely on fixed incomes, are now facing frozen or reduced benefits until their debts are fully paid off. The letter, authored by Rep. Mike Carey, R-Ohio, highlights the unfair treatment of seniors and disabled Americans who are being treated like criminals for mistakes made by the government.

One example shared by Rep. Carey is that of an Ohio constituent who received a letter in December 2021 stating that their retiree benefits were miscalculated. The constituent initially received increased monthly payments and even a retroactive check covering the owed amount through 2017. However, in August of the following year, they received another letter stating that the initial miscalculation was wrong, and they now owed over $7,500 in overpaid benefits.

The letter from lawmakers emphasizes that more than one million Americans are contacted each year regarding Social Security funds distributed in error. However, a CBS “60 Minutes” report revealed that the problem is even more significant, with over two million Americans annually being informed of overpayments. Beneficiaries are given a short window, often just 30 days, to repay the debts, which can amount to tens of thousands of dollars.

The impacted individuals include retired and disabled Americans who have diligently followed the process of filing for Social Security benefits but have received overpayments due to government errors. Rep. Emilia Sykes, D-Ohio, the lead Democrat on the letter, stresses that these seniors rely on their payments to cover essential expenses and cannot afford the life-altering errors made by the SSA.

Lawmakers argue that the SSA should be held accountable for its mistakes and ensure that all seniors receive the correct payments they deserve. Rep. Sykes’ office even intervened to secure a refund for one of her elderly constituents who received an overpayment letter. However, the SSA acknowledges that determining the exact number of impacted individuals is challenging and is currently reviewing its overpayment systems.

The SSA has the authority to waive recovery of overpayments if it is deemed unfair or against good conscience. However, concerns have been raised that beneficiaries who have sought waivers have struggled to obtain them, leading lawmakers to question the fairness of the process.

The Social Security Administration initiated a comprehensive review of its overpayment process in October 2023. This review aims to examine policies and procedures to simplify and reduce the burden for those affected. The fact-finding stage is currently underway, and no specific timeframe for completion has been provided.

In conclusion, millions of Americans have been impacted by erroneous overpayments from the Social Security Administration, leading to demands for repayment. Lawmakers are demanding answers and accountability from the SSA to ensure fair treatment for seniors and disabled individuals who rely on these benefits. The ongoing review by the SSA aims to improve the overpayment recovery and waiver process.

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