Gun Rights Groups Push Back Against DOJ’s Model Legislation on Gun Storage Rules

A Los Angeles homeowner who used a firearm to fend off apparent would-be robbers at his home talks to the NRA in a video exclusively obtained by Digital. Gun rights groups are posturing to defy the Justice Department’s model legislation published this week that gives states a framework for codifying gun storage rules.

On Wednesday, the DOJ published a framework aimed at helping “more states enact sensible gun-safety laws,” and includes requirements for securing firearms kept in residences and vehicles and requirements for reporting of lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement. Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco emphasized the need to prevent gun violence and improve the safety of legally-owned firearms.

However, Second Amendment advocacy groups Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the National Rifle Association (NRA) argue that the models are too broad and could undermine self-defense mechanisms for lawful gun owners. They believe that the legislation imposes top-down mandates on how Americans should store their guns and fails to consider individual or family circumstances.

Jennifer Briemann, at NRA-ILA, states that the NRA is a strong advocate for responsible storage of firearms but believes that the model legislation is irresponsibly imposing a one-size-fits-all approach. She also raises concerns about the DOJ’s use of “extreme risk protection orders,” which she claims can lead to gun confiscation without due process.

Chris Stone, director of state and local affairs for Gun Owners of America, accuses the DOJ of wasting time and resources by coercing state lawmakers to pass unconstitutional firearm storage requirements. GOA vows to oppose the legislation in every state capitol and mobilize their grassroots army against it.

The proposed model requires gun owners to secure their firearms in a locked gun safe or with a tamper-resistant safety device when not carried on their person. Violators would face fines. The DOJ argues that safe storage can reduce firearm injuries for children and teens and prevent unintentional shootings, suicides, thefts, and criminal discharges.

The DOJ clarifies that the model legislation is not intended to provide a comprehensive firearm-safety scheme but rather draws from existing state laws and offers options for states to consider when legislating in this area.

The pushback from gun rights groups highlights their concerns about the potential infringement on self-defense rights and the need for flexibility in gun storage regulations. As debates surrounding gun control continue, it remains to be seen how states will respond to the DOJ’s model legislation.

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