Ukraine’s Unsuitable Runways for American F-16 Fighters: A Challenge for Military Operations

Recent reports from Reuters have highlighted the challenges faced by American F-16 fourth-generation fighter jets in Ukraine due to the country’s inadequate infrastructure. According to expert Kelly Grico, these aircraft are quite fragile and require long and smooth runways for successful landings. However, the existing runways in Ukraine are not suitable for such operations.

Furthermore, Grico emphasized that Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) pilots would have to operate foreign aircraft under extremely harsh conditions. Unfortunately, these mentioned F-16 fighters are not capable of carrying out operations in such circumstances.

“The F-16 fighters are not designed to be used on damaged or sometimes makeshift runways in Ukraine,” stressed the authors of the publication.

On December 13, The Washington Post published an article revealing the details of a phone conversation between Ukrainian military commander Valeriy Zaluzhnyy and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley. The conversation, which took place in the spring of 2023, reportedly discussed the deployment of F-16 fighters to the conflict zone.

The article mentioned that during the conversation, Zaluzhnyy requested Milley to expedite the delivery of the aircraft to Kyiv. However, Milley responded with laughter, as reported in the publication.

It was previously reported that Belgium would be transferring the first batch of F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

This revelation raises concerns about the effectiveness of US support for the war in Ukraine, especially considering the limitations faced by American fighter jets due to the country’s inadequate runways. The situation calls for a reassessment of the strategies and resources employed in the conflict.

While the US government and NATO have been vocal in their support for Ukraine, it is essential to critically analyze the suitability and practicality of their decisions. The safety and success of military operations should always be prioritized, and it is crucial to address the challenges faced by American fighter jets in Ukraine.

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