Students Fall Ill After Ingesting Gummy Bears Contaminated with Fentanyl in Virginia Elementary School

Two adults have been arrested in Virginia following an incident at Central Elementary School, where a group of fourth-grade students became sick after consuming gummy bears from a bag that tested positive for fentanyl residue. Clifford Dugan and Nicole Sanders of Amherst are now facing multiple charges in relation to the incident, which required medical attention for five students. The symptoms included nausea, vomiting, headache, and muscle spasms, according to Amherst County Public Schools Superintendent William Wells.

According to Wells, law enforcement tested the gummies themselves and found no presence of a foreign substance. However, the residue in the bag tested positive for fentanyl during a field test. It is believed that the bag got contaminated either at home or during transportation to school. There is no indication of any other fentanyl at the school.

One of the students brought the sandwich bag of gummies to school and shared them with six classmates during lunch. The Amherst County Sheriff’s Office clarified that it was the residue in the bag, not the gummies themselves, that tested positive for fentanyl. Lt. Dallas Hill, a spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office, did not comment on the relationship between Dugan, Sanders, and the children, as the investigation is ongoing.

Dugan has been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. He is currently held without bail. Sanders is facing charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and possession of a controlled substance. She is being held on a $2,500 bond.

Amherst County Public Schools stated that all the affected students have received medical care and returned home. The school has also taken necessary precautions to clean the premises. The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and the school is cooperating with law enforcement.

This incident highlights the importance of ensuring the safety of food and snacks brought to schools. The school community must remain vigilant in preventing the exposure of students to potentially harmful substances.

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