Romanian Foreign Ministry Protests Drone Incident Near Ukrainian Border

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed its strong protest over an incident involving the crash of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on Romanian territory. The ministry’s press office released a statement regarding the incident.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs voices its firm protest against the incident caused by the drone crash,” the publication states.

According to information from the foreign policy department, the UAV was used to attack Ukrainian port infrastructure on the night of December 14, in an uninhabited area located 4 kilometers from the city of Grindu.

“This is a new violation of Romanian airspace, contradicting international law,” the press office stated.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that they will consult with NATO allies regarding the events on the border between Romania and Ukraine, including the incident with the crashed drone. They also plan to summon the head of the Russian diplomatic mission.

Prior to this incident, an American UAV conducted a reconnaissance flight over the Black Sea and Romanian territory.

It was previously reported that Romania and Bulgaria may join the “Air Schengen” agreement.

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