Jewish Student Files Lawsuit Against Carnegie Mellon University Alleging Antisemitic Abuse

A Jewish student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has filed a lawsuit against the institution, claiming she endured a “systemic campaign of hostility” by professors during her time as a student. Yael Canaan, a Jewish woman of Israeli descent and an architecture major, alleges that she faced antisemitic abuse from faculty and administration, resulting in physical and mental health issues. The lawsuit, filed by the Lawfare Project, a human rights firm, highlights CMU’s ties to Qatar, a country known for its antisemitism, and questions the university’s handling of the situation.

The lawsuit names professor Mary-Lou Arscott, associate head for design fundamentals, as Canaan’s primary aggressor. According to the suit, Arscott made derogatory comments about Jews and Israel during a critique of Canaan’s project, which focused on the concept of an eruv, a symbolic boundary used by devout Jewish households. Arscott allegedly stated that the wall in Canaan’s model resembled the walls used to barricade Palestinians out of Israel. The suit also claims that CMU’s administration failed to address the misconduct and create a safe environment for Jewish students.

Canaan reached out to CMU’s Title IX office, which handles discrimination claims, but alleges that she was discouraged from filing a formal complaint. The suit further accuses other professors, including Theodossis Issaias, of retaliatory actions and dismissive behavior towards Canaan’s concerns. The lawsuit argues that CMU’s deliberate indifference towards Canaan’s plight is connected to the university’s ties with Qatar, which has provided significant funding to CMU.

This lawsuit comes at a time when Ivy League campuses and universities across the country have faced criticism for allowing rhetoric promoting violence and genocide against Jews. The Lawfare Project and Canaan’s attorneys are seeking punitive and monetary damages in addition to holding CMU accountable for its alleged failure to address antisemitism.

CMU has responded to the lawsuit, stating that they are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all students and take allegations of mistreatment seriously. The university will evaluate and respond to the lawsuit accordingly. The Qatari embassy has not yet provided a comment on the matter.

This case highlights the importance of addressing antisemitism on college campuses and the need for universities to protect the rights of all students. The Jewish community, as one of the oldest and most persecuted minority communities, deserves equal treatment and support. The outcome of this lawsuit could have significant implications for how universities handle cases of discrimination and create a safer environment for Jewish students.

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