Hunter Biden’s Emails Reveal Contradictions in Burisma Board Role

Contributor Sol Wisenberg discusses Hunter Biden defying a congressional subpoena on ‘The Story.’ FIRST ON FOX: Hunter Biden previously claimed he didn’t “stand to gain anything” from his role on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma despite it leading to him making millions of dollars. He made the claim in a May 15, 2014 email recovered from his infamous abandoned laptop, which revealed he was considering writing an op-ed to push back on what he perceived were misleading reports about his then-new role on the Burisma board. However, emails from weeks earlier and the millions of dollars he would later make contradict his claim.

Hunter Biden’s email exchange suggests he was aware of the potential financial gains from his position at Burisma, despite his denial. In the email, he discusses the possibility of writing an op-ed to clarify that he had no equity interest in the company and would not benefit financially. However, a Burisma executive’s email from the previous day indicates that they had planned on paying “monthly fees” to the directors, including Hunter Biden. This contradicts his claim of not standing to gain financially.

Furthermore, Hunter Biden’s emails reveal his intention to leverage his connections, including his father’s position as Vice President, to increase his potential pay. He suggests that his contract with Burisma should include a retainer and additional fees for his work, with the aim of protecting his interests through a law firm. However, his actual monthly pay ended up being more than double the proposed figure.

Additional emails between Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer indicate that Hunter expected to make millions from his role at Burisma. Bank records cited by the House Oversight Committee investigating Biden’s foreign business dealings show that Hunter and Archer reached a deal with the firm to be paid $1 million per year. Payments were made to them regularly, totaling approximately $3.32 million in 2014 and 2015 alone.

The committee is also investigating whether President Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings, a claim that Hunter denied during a recent press conference. However, emails from Hunter to a top Burisma executive show him expressing gratitude for lavish birthday gifts, raising questions about the extent of President Biden’s knowledge and involvement.

In addition to the ongoing investigations, Hunter Biden is facing new tax-related charges in California, which allege that he failed to pay over $1 million in federal income taxes over a four-year period. These charges further highlight the financial aspects of his business dealings.

It is important to note that these revelations come amidst a highly polarized political climate, with Republicans criticizing Hunter Biden’s actions and Democrats defending him. The controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma and his financial gains has been a focal point for Republicans, while Democrats argue that it is a distraction from more pressing issues.

As the investigations continue, the public will await further developments to determine the full extent of Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma and any potential implications for the Biden administration.

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