Chicago Mayor Accused of Prioritizing Migrants Over Black Community and Homeless Veterans

A Chicago native passionately criticized Mayor Brandon Johnson during a special council meeting, accusing him of prioritizing migrants from the southern border over the needs of the Black community and homeless veterans. The meeting was held to discuss whether residents should vote on a referendum regarding Illinois’ largest city’s sanctuary status. However, the council ultimately adjourned without considering the resolution.

Lauren Lawrence, a Chicago native, expressed her concern about the city’s sanctuary city status, stating that people have waited for years to immigrate legally and that there should not be two sets of laws. She also pointed out that the Black communities on the West Side and South Side have not received the funds they were promised. Lawrence criticized Mayor Johnson for signing an executive order on his first day in office, establishing a “deputy mayor for immigrant, migrant, and refugee rights.”

Lawrence questioned whether it was fair to prioritize migrants over the needs of the Black community and when the neighborhoods would be cleaned up and given the resources they deserve. She emphasized that she is not against legal immigration but believes that those who entered the country illegally should not be given priority over lawful Chicagoans, including veterans and the homeless.

Alderman Anthony Beale condemned the council’s decision to adjourn without considering the sanctuary status referendum vote. He questioned whether Mayor Johnson and councilors were afraid of hearing the truth from city voters about funding decisions related to the migrant influx. Beale expressed his concerns about crime rates, struggling schools, and the allocation of funds to individuals who do not pay taxes. He emphasized the need to prioritize the needs of the community and criticized the council for potentially wasting money on projects that may not benefit the city.

The article also mentions that Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration scrapped plans for a temporary winter camp for migrants in Chicago due to the risk of contaminants at the site. As of Thursday morning, over 25,000 people have arrived in Chicago from the southern border since August 2022.

The article concludes by highlighting the demands for change and resources from the community and criticizing the council for allegedly turning their backs on taxpayers in the city.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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