Bulgarian Cargo Ship Seized in Arabian Sea, Crew Safety a Priority

A Bulgarian cargo ship, named “Ruen” and owned by the Bulgarian Maritime Fleet (BMF), has been seized in the Arabian Sea, according to the Bulgarian National Television (BNT).

The report states that communication with the ship’s crew has been lost. The crew consists of 18 individuals, including eight Bulgarian citizens and ten from Myanmar and Angola. The vessel was sailing under the flag of Malta. The incident occurred 380 nautical miles (703 kilometers) east of the Yemeni island of Socotra.

The BMF has stated that ensuring the safety of the ship’s crew is a top priority.

Prior to this, unidentified individuals had boarded the distressed vessel off the coast of Somalia, which had issued a distress signal.

“The UK Maritime Trade Operations received a distress signal on very high frequencies from a vessel that had been boarded by unknown individuals. Authorities are conducting an investigation,” the agency reported.

The ship is currently located approximately 1,296 kilometers east of the city of Bosaso in Somalia.

Earlier, pirates who attacked a tanker off the coast of Yemen were detained and interrogated.

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