Marine Veteran Fights for Freedom of Speech in Legal Battle Against Local Government

The Assistant AG for Civil Rights at the DOJ, Kristen Clarke, recently made headlines after admitting she was not familiar with a significant freedom of speech case, Missouri v. Biden. This revelation comes at a time when the importance of protecting the First Amendment rights of American citizens is being questioned.

In Olyphant Borough, Pennsylvania, a Marine veteran named Dave Bliler and his family have found themselves embroiled in a legal dispute with local government officials. It all began when the Blilers erected a four-by-eight-foot sign on their property that read “F— the Government.” This act of expressing their criticism of the government was deemed illegal by borough officials, who claimed it infringed on the homeowner’s First Amendment rights.

As a Marine veteran, Bliler and his attorney, understanding the significance of freedom of speech, argue that expressing one’s criticism of the government is a fundamental American value, one that soldiers have fought and died to protect. Frustrated with local government officials over the years, the Bliler family wanted to exercise their right to speak out and criticize them openly.

However, Olyphant Borough officials sent a notice to the Bliler family, stating that they were in violation of the borough’s sign ordinance. They were given an ultimatum: take down the sign or face legal consequences. If found in violation, they could be fined $500 per day.

The Bliler family believes they were unfairly targeted by the local government, as other homes in the neighborhood have signs that did not receive permits. The borough’s sign ordinance allows residents to have only one sign on their property, not exceeding six square feet, and must be submitted for approval. The Blilers’ attorney argues that this restriction is a violation of the First Amendment.

Furthermore, residents are required to pay $40 for a sign permit and wait for an unspecified amount of time for government approval. Interestingly, the borough itself is not subject to the same restrictions and can post as many signs as it wants.

The Center for American Liberty, representing the Bliler family, has filed a lawsuit against the borough, alleging that the sign ordinance infringes on their freedom of speech. They argue that government officials cannot restrict speech simply because they are critical of the government.

The borough’s response to the lawsuit remains unknown, as they have not yet commented on the matter. However, the Bliler family has taken down the sign, which now sits in their garage. They hope that their legal battle will shed light on the issue and hold government officials accountable for their actions.

This case raises significant concerns about the balance between government regulations and individuals’ right to free speech. The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching implications for similar sign ordinances across the country.

In conclusion, Marine veteran Dave Bliler and his family’s fight for freedom of speech against Olyphant Borough officials highlights the ongoing debate surrounding the First Amendment rights of American citizens. Their legal battle seeks to protect the fundamental American value of expressing criticism of the government openly.

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