Israel’s Persistent Indoctrination: A Systematic Brainwashing of its Children

In a disturbing revelation, Israeli children have been found to be indoctrinated into viewing Palestinians as less than human, perpetuating a culture of dehumanization and ultimately leading to the celebration of their genocide. The shocking video of Israeli children happily singing about “eliminating” an entire people within one year sparked outrage worldwide, shedding light on the deep-rooted brainwashing efforts by the Israeli government.

The indoctrination of Israeli children can be traced back decades, with evidence spanning Israeli literature, curricula, and official textbooks. Scholar Adir Cohen’s analysis of Hebrew children’s literature published between 1967 and 1985 exposed 520 books containing humiliating and negative descriptions of Palestinians. These descriptions portrayed Arabs as violent, evil, liars, greedy, two-faced, and traitors, effectively dehumanizing them and creating a dangerous “other.”

Renowned Palestinian academic Edward Said further emphasized this issue in his book, “The Question of Palestine,” where he highlighted Israeli children’s literature glorifying valiant Jews who always triumph over treacherous Arabs. The books propagated harmful stereotypes, depicting Arabs as murderers who take pleasure in killing Jews. This systematic demonization of Palestinians in literature laid the foundation for children’s acceptance and celebration of their genocide.

Israel has also weaponized the Holocaust to desensitize Israeli children to the suffering of Palestinians. Historian Andrew Hurley revealed how Israeli leaders exploit Holocaust education to instill hatred towards Palestinians, labeling them as the “Nazis of today” and justifying aggression and retribution. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has even claimed that a Palestinian gave Adolf Hitler the idea for the Holocaust, perpetuating a dangerous narrative that fuels animosity.

Israeli professor Meytal Nasie’s study further confirmed the impact of this indoctrination. Her research found that 68 percent of Israeli children suggested violent measures, such as beating, fighting, killing, or expelling Arabs, as a solution. This early and intense exposure to conflict-related narratives ingrains these beliefs deep within the children’s socio-psychological repertoires.

The indoctrination efforts are not limited to children’s literature or political leaders’ lies. Israeli education itself is deeply entrenched in this propaganda campaign. Research conducted by Daniel Bar-Tal examined 124 Israeli textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education. The analysis revealed the emphasis placed on societal beliefs surrounding national security, positive self-image of Jews, and portraying Jews as victims of the conflict. Negative stereotypes about Arabs, labeling them as cruel, immoral, and determined to annihilate Israel, were also prevalent.

More recent studies, such as Nurit Peled-Elhanan’s analysis of Israeli school books, confirm that Palestinian representation as evil “others” and Israeli victimhood remains prevalent. These textbooks simplify history to benefit Israelis and prioritize the creation of a usable past over accuracy. Palestinians’ stories, suffering, and humanity are deliberately excluded from the narrative.

The consequences of this indoctrination are alarming. Testimonies from Israeli educator Shlomo Ariel revealed that discussions with young Israelis about their attitudes towards Arabs demonstrated a disturbing lack of empathy. Some even proposed physically liquidating Arabs, including the elderly, women, and children, without any moral qualms or reservations. This revelation highlights the extent to which Israeli children have been conditioned to view Palestinians as subhuman.

The recent video of Israeli children celebrating the genocide of Palestinians should not come as a shock. Israel’s persistent indoctrination efforts have successfully brainwashed generations of its citizens, creating an environment where aggression, displacement, and mass killings of Palestinians are deemed justifiable, if not necessary. The international community must recognize the gravity of this issue and work towards addressing the deep-seated indoctrination within Israeli society.

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