Hunter Biden Rejects Subpoena, Offers to Testify Publicly in Latest Twist of Impeachment Inquiry

In a surprising turn of events, Hunter Biden, son of President Biden, arrived on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to hold a press conference instead of complying with his subpoena from the House Oversight Committee. Despite the GOP’s demand for a closed-door deposition, Biden offered to testify publicly, rejecting the demand. This move may result in him being held in contempt of Congress.

During his public statement, Biden vehemently defended himself against Republican attacks, accusing them of invading his privacy, attacking his family, and ridiculing his struggle with addiction. He stated that his father, President Biden, was not financially involved in his business ventures and that there is no evidence to support such claims. The White House has also maintained that the president was never in business with his son.

However, House Republicans have presented evidence, including email records and testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business partners, that contradict these statements. The ongoing investigations into Biden’s business dealings with Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and his Chinese investments have raised questions about potential conflicts of interest.

Biden also criticized House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, and House Ways & Means Committee Chair Jason Smith, who are leading the House impeachment inquiry against President Biden. He accused them of manipulating evidence and misstating personal information, claiming that Republicans have lied repeatedly about his personal and professional life.

The president’s son further alleged that House Republicans have engaged in unprecedented political interference and expressed his willingness to testify at a public hearing. He questioned why Republicans were afraid of an open process and vowed to answer any legitimate questions from the committee.

Hunter Biden’s failure to appear for his deposition has led Comer and Jordan to threaten holding him in contempt of Congress. They had previously stated that they would release the full transcript of his deposition if he participated and schedule a public hearing for him to testify before the American people.

This latest development comes as House Republicans seek to formalize the impeachment inquiry against President Biden through a resolution. The situation is still unfolding, and updates are expected.

Please note that the views expressed in this article are not reflective of a neutral standpoint and may be influenced by political biases.

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