Hezbollah Launches Multiple Attacks on Israeli Military Outposts in Southern Lebanon

Hezbollah fighters from the armed wing of the Shiite party conducted seven operations against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the border areas of southern Lebanon in the span of 24 hours, according to a statement released by the group’s Telegram channel.

The statement reveals that the Shiite forces struck their opponents using guided anti-tank rockets and salvo fire systems. At least eight rockets were launched at Israeli posts in Es-Sammak and Ramta on the heights of Kfar Shuba.

An Israeli command and observation post in Er-Raheb was hit by a large-caliber rocket called Burkan. It is claimed that the direct hit resulted in casualties among IDF fighters, as well as disabling military vehicles and equipment.

Firing also took place at the Birkit-Riche barracks and a mechanized patrol in Shetula. A house in the Jewish settlement of Metula was targeted. At the time, an Israeli military group was inside the building, resulting in both fatalities and injuries.

In response, Israeli artillery shelled Lebanese territory, with reports of projectiles falling in 12 populated areas.

During the night, Israeli Air Force drones carried out two raids on a Hezbollah base in El-Hiyam, but no information has been received regarding the effects of the strikes.

Earlier, Medvedev spoke about the prospect of a century-long war in the Middle East.

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