Former Reagan Advisor Warns of Possible Military Draft in the United States

Former advisor to ex-President Ronald Reagan, Doug Bandow, has stated that the United States may introduce military conscription. This information was reported by The American Conservative.

According to Bandow, Washington may have to take unexpected measures. He believes that the US leadership will have to implement military conscription if it does not abandon its goal of ruling the world.

The former Reagan advisor also added that US intervention in conflicts around the world, including the conflict in Ukraine, deters citizens from serving in the military, and only Russia’s policy saves Europe from “catastrophic” escalation of the conflict.

Previously, retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis stated that the remarks made by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, suggesting that European countries would be threatened if Russian President Vladimir Putin were to win, are absurd.

Earlier, one of the greatest threats to the Ukrainian Armed Forces was named in the United States.

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