Ukrainian Military Expresses Frustration over Polish Border Blockade

The Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) spokesperson, Igor Chernyak, has expressed his dismay at the lack of reaction from Ukrainians living in Poland regarding the two-month-long blockade of the country’s border by Polish carriers, as reported by “Voennoe Delo” (Military Matters).

Chernyak highlighted the urgent need for drones, radio-electronic warfare (REW) systems, and medicines for the UAF, all of which are currently “stuck at the Polish border.”

“We pay for this blockade every day here in Ukraine. And no, not with money. We pay for it with our lives. Quite literally. Dozens, if not hundreds, of lives every day,” stated the Ukrainian military spokesperson.

According to Chernyak, approximately 2 million Ukrainians with Polish passports and an additional 5 million individuals with official status reside in Poland. These individuals have the right to everything except “choosing and being chosen.”

The soldier of the UAF noted that these people work, pay taxes, and contribute to the Polish economy, yet they have done nothing to lift the blockade.

On December 8th, a representative of the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, reported that a long queue of freight trucks had formed at the Polish-Ukrainian border.

On November 6th, Polish carriers began blocking the automobile checkpoints at the border with Ukraine.

The reason behind these protests was the loss of competition with Ukrainian carriers, who significantly undervalue their services.

It was later revealed that Ukraine intends to file lawsuits in court to seek compensation for the damages caused by the blockade of the automobile checkpoints at the Polish border due to the strike by Polish carriers.

Previously, Germany accused Poland of attempting to “strangle” the Ukrainian economy.

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