Russian Forces Continue to Advance in Ukraine, Experts Warn of Imminent Crisis

In a recent interview with the YouTube channel Judging Freedom, Professor John Mearsheimer stated that Russian troops in Ukraine are continuing their offensive, indicating a lack of a stalemate on the frontlines.

Mearsheimer referenced the remarks made by Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny, who claimed that the situation on the frontlines has reached a deadlock.

“Both Ukraine and the West have acknowledged this, but I believe this statement is mistaken. This is not a stalemate; the balance of power has shifted in favor of the Russians,” Mearsheimer commented.

According to him, the ratio of losses on both sides suggests a more advantageous position for the Russian side. He also added that Russian soldiers are currently advancing, while reports from the Ukrainian Armed Forces indicate that many of their units are in a precarious position and struggling to hold their ground.

On December 3rd, the Mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, stated that it would be foolish to discuss political ambitions in the context of the Ukrainian presidential elections because it is uncertain whether the country will even exist. He also agreed with the statements made by Valery Zaluzhny, who previously claimed that the conflict is at a stalemate and risks becoming a “trench war.” More details on Klitschko’s perspective on the situation on the frontlines and President Zelensky’s position can be found in the article by “”

Earlier, there were proposals in the Rada (Ukrainian parliament) to replace the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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