Global Strike Demands Immediate Ceasefire as Israel Continues Aggression on Gaza

Trade union activists and international influencers are joining Palestinian activists and grassroots organizations in calling for a global strike on December 11 to demand an immediate ceasefire as Israel continues its aggression on Gaza. The National and Islamic Forces, a coalition of major Palestinian factions, have issued the call for the strike to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and supporters worldwide, urging them to participate in a strike that encompasses “all aspects of public life” as a show of solidarity against Israeli attacks.

The coalition’s statement highlights the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the ethnic cleansing, and the colonial settlement in the West Bank, stating that the strike aims to oppose these atrocities and any attempts to undermine the just national cause of the Palestinian people. The call has gained traction globally, with influential figures and activists expressing support on social media and encouraging others to join the strike.

Lebanon has also responded to the call by announcing a general strike in support of “the global call for Gaza,” which will see public offices, primary and secondary schools, as well as official and private higher education institutes, shut down. The growing momentum for the strike reflects the urgent need for international solidarity with the women, children, and elderly who have borne the brunt of Israel’s brutal bombardment. The death toll in Gaza has reached nearly 18,000, with 297 fatalities in the past 24 hours alone, and over 49,500 others injured in just over two months.

Muwafaq Sahwil, Fatah’s secretary in Ramallah and el-Bireh, emphasized that the strike is a rejection of the United States’ veto against a United Nations Security Council resolution to stop the war on Gaza. He sees it as a message to the US administration and politicians worldwide, urging them to stand up for the Palestinian people who have suffered under occupation for 75 years. Sahwil hopes that the strike will prompt the international community to take action and help achieve self-determination for Palestinians.

On Tuesday, the 193-member UN General Assembly is expected to vote on a draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. This comes after the General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution in October, which garnered 121 votes in favor, 14 against, and 44 abstentions, urging an immediate, durable, and sustained humanitarian truce.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has acknowledged the “catastrophic” health situation in Gaza. Despite passing an emergency motion to secure more medical access, he states that improving the situation will be incredibly challenging.

As the global strike draws closer, the world waits to see if this collective action will have a significant impact on ending the aggression in Gaza and bringing attention to the plight of the Palestinian people.

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