Israel Escalates Invasion of Gaza Strip, Causing Mounting Civilian Casualties

In the wake of the expiration of a “humanitarian pause,” Israel has intensified its invasion of the Gaza Strip, sparking concerns over the escalating civilian casualties. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) resumed aerial bombardment within minutes of the ceasefire ending on December 1, followed by ground advances of armoured units, artillery, and infantry. Throughout the truce, Israeli forces issued warnings and threats, primarily targeting Hamas but also impacting the Palestinian population. Once the pause was over, Israel demonstrated its determination by pushing into the southern part of Gaza, particularly focusing on the city of Khan Younis.

Contrary to predictions that they would advance towards Gaza City, Israeli forces chose to open a new front by encircling the southern part of Gaza. Two columns of armour, artillery, and mechanised infantry advanced westwards from Israel, stopping just two kilometres short of the beaches and converging at Salah al-Din Road. Simultaneously, another column was sent from Israel towards the center of Khan Younis, while tanks and mechanised infantry gradually advanced down Salah al-Din Road towards the urban center. The decision to block this seemingly insignificant territory rather than attempting to take it remains unclear.

Israel implemented a map dividing the besieged territory into 623 blocks of varying sizes in preparation for military operations in the southern section of Gaza. Palestinians were then ordered to evacuate these blocks, supposedly to keep civilians safe and reduce casualties. However, it is evident that the population in the south is comprised mainly of refugees from Gaza City and other evacuated areas, living in makeshift conditions with limited access to resources or information. As a result, they have little chance to react to short notice evacuation orders.

Despite Israel’s claims to be conducting military operations with the intention of protecting civilians, the number of civilian casualties remains alarmingly high. Over 17,000 people, including 7,000 children, have been killed, compared to the 93 Israeli military casualties. The disproportionate figures have prompted global calls to end the fighting in Gaza, even from the United States, despite its close relationship with Israel. While the US vetoed a call for a humanitarian ceasefire at the United Nations Security Council, the majority of members, including traditional ally United Kingdom, favored ending the war. This indicates that the demands to protect civilians will continue to grow.

Israel’s attempts to defend itself against accusations of indiscriminate killing of civilians have raised skepticism. Officials claimed that for every two civilians killed, a Hamas fighter was also killed, suggesting a better combatant-to-civilian kill ratio than most armies in recent wars. However, the math behind this claim is questionable. With nearly 17,400 people dead, it would imply that Hamas has suffered 5,800 combat deaths, a ratio of over 62 killed for each Israeli soldier lost in battle. Even allowing for hypothetical scenarios, such as deaths occurring while out of combat, the numbers still indicate a significant defeat for the losing side.

Despite claims of Hamas beginning to break, evidence suggests that they continue to fight on, which would not be possible if they were losing as many fighters as Israel claims. The situation has become militarily and psychologically untenable for the losing side, with a constant loss ratio of greater than 30:1. This raises concerns of an imminent total collapse for Hamas.

As the conflict in Gaza intensifies and civilian casualties mount, pressure mounts on Israel to reconsider its military strategy and prioritize the protection of innocent lives. The international community, including the United States, is increasingly uncomfortable with the ongoing violence and seeks an end to the plight of civilians caught in the crossfire.

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