Gaza Writer Shares the Frustration and Fear of Life Under Internet Shutdown

A writer stuck inside Gaza has shared the terror and frustration of living under an internet shutdown caused by the Israeli missile barrage that has been pounding the Gaza Strip for the past two months. Eman al-Astal, a freelance writer and English literature student, described the anxiety and helplessness she and others in Gaza experienced when they lost contact with the outside world.

The loss of communications could have been due to a technical glitch or the result of a strike, leaving al-Astal’s overseas colleagues and friends worried for her safety. The situation was even more distressing considering the unpredictable nature of life in Gaza, where a blackout can occur at any moment without the world knowing about it.

As news spread that telecommunications and the internet had been severed across Gaza, al-Astal’s friends and colleagues abroad desperately tried to reach her through various means, including social media and contacting relatives outside the region. The blackout left al-Astal and many others in the dark, with only the remaining data on their phones for communication.

The communications blackout became a source of intense anxiety for al-Astal and the people of Gaza, as they were cut off from the outside world, unable to update their friends and families about their well-being. Despite attempts to find a signal and access messaging services, the limited availability of prepaid credit and the difficulty in using eSIMs made communication challenging.

Al-Astal believes that Israel is deliberately targeting telecommunications towers and companies in Gaza to silence the news emerging from the besieged enclave. The ongoing air strikes make it impossible for her to change her location to maintain a strong signal.

For al-Astal and others like her with remote jobs and commitments outside Gaza, the internet shutdown poses not only a threat to their personal safety but also to their livelihoods. The frustration of being unable to do anything about the situation is overwhelming, causing feelings of isolation and abandonment.

The fear of never being able to speak to friends and family again weighs heavily on al-Astal, highlighting the mutual concern shared between those inside and outside Gaza. The lack of solutions and the continuous suffering faced by the people of Gaza contribute to a sense of despair and helplessness.

As the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, the world must pay attention to the plight of those living under the internet shutdown and the impact it has on their lives. The international community must work towards finding a resolution to the conflict and ensuring the basic rights of the people of Gaza are respected.

In conclusion, Eman al-Astal’s firsthand account sheds light on the difficulties faced by those living in Gaza under an internet shutdown. The frustration, fear, and isolation experienced by individuals like al-Astal serve as a reminder of the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and the restoration of essential communication channels for the people of Gaza.

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