UN Security Council to Discuss Gaza Ceasefire; US and UK Potential Veto Threat

Support for a ceasefire has grown within the UN Security Council, but the US and UK might veto the proposal. The United Nations Security Council will meet today (14:00 GMT) to discuss the war in Gaza, after its Secretary-General Antonio Guterres used a special measure of invoking Article 99 to urge the organisation’s most powerful body to call for a ceasefire.

The war in Gaza has resulted in a devastating loss of life, with 17,177 Palestinians and at least 1,147 Israelis killed since October 7. Thousands more remain missing in the rubble of Gaza’s destroyed buildings. In light of this, Antonio Guterres’ call for a ceasefire has gained momentum.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), the only Arab country among the 15-strong UNSC, has pushed for a draft resolution demanding an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”. This resolution, supported by other Arab nations and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, marks the sixth attempt to find an agreement to end the bloodshed.

However, for a resolution to be adopted, at least nine of the 15-member UN Security Council must vote in its favor, and none of the council’s five permanent members – the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom – must veto the resolution. The previous attempts to pass resolutions have failed due to a lack of consensus among the nations.

The main point of contention in previous drafts was the omission of a condemnation of Hamas. The US, UK, and France voted against the first Russia-led draft on October 16, citing the failure to address Hamas. The US also vetoed a Brazil-led resolution on October 18 for not mentioning Israel’s right of self-defense.

Russia and the UK have also proposed drafts, but disagreements over the texts’ balance and support for Israel’s right to self-defense have hindered progress. The UNSC finally adopted a Malta-led resolution on November 15, calling for humanitarian pauses and aid delivery to Gaza, with the US, UK, and Russia abstaining.

While a non-binding resolution led by Jordan at the UN General Assembly on October 27 passed with overwhelming support, the Security Council’s actions remain crucial in effectively addressing the crisis in Gaza.

However, there are concerns that the US and UK might veto any ceasefire resolution, as they have done in the past. Critics argue that such actions undermine efforts to end the violence and paint a picture of condoning and arming Israel’s military operations.

It remains to be seen how the Security Council will respond to Guterres’ advice and whether a ceasefire resolution will be considered. The outcome will have significant implications for the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the international community’s perception of the US and UK’s stance.

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