Texas Shooting Rampage Suspect Could Have Been Arrested Earlier, New Law Reveals

A man suspected of going on a shooting rampage in two major Texas cities, leaving six people dead and several others injured, could have been arrested earlier if not for a missed opportunity during a mental health crisis. Shane James Jr., who is now charged with two counts of capital murder, had a previous encounter with sheriff’s deputies in August when he was naked and yelling obscenities. At that time, deputies could have arrested him for cutting off his ankle monitor, but instead, he was left with his family.

The missed arrest opportunity highlights the impact of a new state law that went into effect a month later, making it a state jail felony to cut off an ankle monitor. This law could have allowed deputies to arrest James and potentially prevent the tragic events that unfolded on December 6, 2023. James allegedly killed his parents before driving to Austin, where he killed four more people and injured three others, including two police officers.

The change in the ankle monitor law was prompted by a previous shooting in a Dallas hospital, where the shooter had a history of tampering with his ankle monitors. In James’ case, he had been arrested on a misdemeanor domestic violence charge in January 2022 but was later released at his family’s request. He cut off his ankle monitor the day after his release, which was only considered a parole violation at the time.

During the August encounter with James, deputies were limited in their actions due to the misdemeanor warrant against him. James barricaded himself in a bedroom, yelled racial epithets and insults at the deputies, and his father partially opened the door. However, the deputies left without taking James into custody, instructing the family to call them when he came out. Unfortunately, no call was made.

Sheriff Javier Salazar acknowledged that there could have been more done but stated that the law at the time did not criminalize cutting off an ankle monitor. Since then, the agency has changed its processes, and now, they are notified when a suspect removes their ankle monitor, leading to appropriate felony charges.

Advocates for the new law, like Andy Kahan, the director of victims services for Crimes Stoppers of Houston, believe that James would have been taken into custody earlier if the law had been in place. Kahan calls for a task force to identify others who have removed their ankle monitors, emphasizing the importance of such measures in preventing future tragedies.

The case of Shane James Jr. sheds light on the need for stricter monitoring and consequences for tampering with ankle monitors, potentially saving lives and preventing future acts of violence.

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