Republicans Push for Information on DHS’s Removal of Razor Wire at Texas Border as Migrant Crisis Worsens

In a recent development, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are demanding documents and information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding the removal of razor wire set up by the state of Texas to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the interior. The move comes as more than 22,000 migrants crossed the border in just two days, according to CBP sources.

Chairman Jim Jordan, along with Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock and Subcommittee on Responsiveness and Accountability to Oversight Chairman Ben Cline, have written a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, following up on previous requests for information about the situation in Eagle Pass, Texas, in September. The surge of mostly Venezuelan illegal immigrants into Eagle Pass had led to the closure of two bridges, as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) struggled to handle the overwhelming numbers.

The lawmakers accuse the Biden Administration’s DHS of cutting and removing concertina wire and fencing that had been installed by state and local governments as a deterrent against illegal immigration. This move has sparked outrage among Republicans, with Texas suing the administration over its actions.

The Judiciary Committee Republicans had previously requested information about the crisis and the cutting of fences by Border Patrol, but have not received an adequate response from the Department. They emphasize that the increasing influx of migrants highlights the importance of the Committee’s oversight role. A deadline of December 22 has been set for the DHS to provide the requested information, with the Committee warning of compulsory measures if the requests remain unanswered.

Meanwhile, the border crisis continues to worsen, with a new surge in migrants this week setting a record for daily encounters at the border, surpassing 12,000. Both Republicans and Democrats are engaged in discussions on supplemental spending and border security measures. While the White House has requested $14 billion for border operations, Republicans are calling for stricter asylum standards and reduced use of humanitarian parole.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the government will address the growing challenges at the border and find a resolution to the ongoing crisis.

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