Israeli Police Disperse Settler March in Jerusalem Amid Heightened Tensions

In a tense evening in West Jerusalem, approximately 200 Israeli settlers gathered for a controversial march that was ultimately dispersed by Israeli police. The march, which had initially been approved, faced concerns over potential violence due to ongoing tensions during the war on Gaza. The event was expected to proceed towards the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and enter through Damascus Gate. However, authorities accused the marchers of violating pre-established conditions, leading to the cancellation of permission for the event.

Similar marches by far-right groups through the Old City have historically resulted in violence against Palestinians and heightened tensions. The Old City, situated in East Jerusalem, has been under Israeli occupation since 1967, a move that has been deemed illegal by international law. The timing of Thursday’s march during Israel’s ongoing conflict with Gaza raised even greater concerns about potential violence.

Reports indicate that racist chants were heard from some participants at the start of the march. Additionally, dozens of protesters disregarded police instructions and advanced without permission, prompting police intervention. Israeli authorities declared the assembly illegal and emphasized their commitment to maintaining public order within the confines of the law.

One attendee of the march, speaking anonymously, expressed the group’s intention as “to get rid of the Muslim Waqf of the Temple Mount because the Temple Mount belongs only to the Jewish people.” This statement refers to the Jordanian-appointed organization responsible for managing Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is one of Islam’s holiest sites and also known as the Temple Mount, a holy site for Jews. The Temple Mount has long been a focal point of tensions in Jerusalem, with settler attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque becoming more frequent in recent years, often supported by influential politicians.

Following the cancellation of the march, the Old City remained closed to mitigate potential attacks by settlers against local residents. Israel has faced criticism from its allies, including the United States, regarding violence and provocations by settlers in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

As tensions persist, the international community continues to closely monitor the situation, urging all parties to exercise restraint and engage in peaceful dialogue.

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