Former Ohio Vice Detective Pleads Guilty to Kidnapping Sex Workers

A former Ohio vice detective, Andrew Mitchell, has pleaded guilty to federal accusations of kidnapping sex worker victims under the guise of an arrest. Mitchell, 59, pleaded guilty to two counts of depriving individuals of their civil rights while acting under color of law and one count of obstructing justice. This development was announced by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio.

Mitchell had served with the Columbus Division of Police for over 30 years, with his final two years being assigned to the vice unit. However, his employment came to an end in 2019. It is now revealed that Mitchell engaged in unlawful activities during his time as a detective.

According to prosecutors, Mitchell would wear plain clothes and drive an unmarked car while on duty. In July 2017, he handcuffed a sex worker to his vehicle, identified himself as an officer, and drove her to a parking lot where he detained her against her will. Two months later, he did the same to another sex worker, questioning her about rates before revealing his identity as an officer and kidnapping her.

It is worth noting that earlier this year, Mitchell was acquitted of murder and manslaughter charges related to the shooting death of Donna Castleberry. Mitchell claimed self-defense, stating that Castleberry had stabbed him in the hand during an undercover prostitution investigation. The jury deliberated for approximately five hours before reaching its verdict.

This case highlights the misconduct and abuse of power by a former law enforcement officer. It raises concerns about the treatment of sex workers and the need for proper oversight and accountability within police departments. The guilty pleas from Mitchell serve as a reminder that no one is above the law, including those entrusted with upholding it.

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