Vice President Kamala Harris Breaks Record for Tie-Breaking Votes in the Senate

Vice President Kamala Harris was honored this week with a golden gavel for her remarkable achievement of casting the highest number of tie-breaking votes in the Senate. On Tuesday, Harris secured this milestone by voting in favor of confirming Loren AliKhan as a U.S. District Court judge. A spokesperson from the White House expressed that Harris’ tie-breaking votes have been instrumental in advancing the Biden-Harris administration’s agenda over the past three years.

According to the spokesperson, Harris’ tie-breaking votes have played a crucial role in reducing costs for American families, generating well-paying jobs in local communities, and providing economic relief for small businesses nationwide. This achievement surpasses the previous record set by John C. Calhoun, who served as vice president from 1825 to 1832. To commemorate this historic occasion, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer presented Harris with a golden gavel.

Schumer highlighted the significance of Harris’ record-breaking feat, stating, “The record Vice President Harris sets today is significant not just because of the number but of what she’s made possible.” In July, Harris tied the previous record by voting in favor of President Biden’s nomination of Kalpana Kotagal to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

As per the U.S. Constitution, the vice president serves as the president of the Senate and can only cast a vote in the event of a tie. Harris has now surpassed the tie-breaking vote record previously held by John C. Calhoun. To date, there have been a total of 300 tie-breaking votes cast by vice presidents in U.S. history.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris has achieved a significant milestone by breaking the record for the highest number of tie-breaking votes in the Senate. Her contributions have been instrumental in advancing the Biden-Harris administration’s agenda, benefiting American families, local communities, and small businesses across the country.

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