U.S. Military Grounds Osprey Aircraft Fleet After Deadly Crash

The U.S. military has announced the grounding of all its Osprey CV-22 aircraft following a tragic crash off the coast of Japan. This decision comes one week after eight Air Force Special Operations Command service members lost their lives in the incident. Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, head of Air Force Special Operations Command, has directed the grounding in order to mitigate risk during the ongoing investigation.

The military has stated that this temporary halt to operations will allow for a thorough investigation into the cause of the crash and ensure the safety of future operations. Preliminary findings have indicated that a material failure, rather than human error, was responsible for the devastating incident.

The identity of the eight crew members who perished in the crash has been released by military officials. Their names have not been disclosed at this time. The tragedy occurred on November 29 off the shore of Yakushima Island in Japan.

The underlying cause of the material failure is still unknown, and the military has not provided a timeline for when the Osprey fleet will be back in commission. The investigation is ongoing, and efforts to recover wreckage and remains are underway.

Lt. Gen. Bauernfeind expressed condolences to the families, friends, and peers affected by the mishap and loss of life. He emphasized the deep sorrow felt in times like these, where service to the nation is not only a personal commitment but also a legacy woven into the fabric of our families. He highlighted the honorable service of the eight Airmen and stated that their contributions to the nation will never be forgotten.

This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the risks faced by military personnel in the line of duty. The grounding of the Osprey fleet reflects the military’s commitment to thorough investigations and safety protocols.

Please note that Sarah Rumpf-Whitten is a breaking news writer for Digital and Fox Business, but her inclusion in this article does not impact the subject matter discussed.

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