President Biden Denies Interacting with Family Business Associates, as National Archives Plans to Release Additional Records

President Biden has vehemently denied allegations that he interacted with the business associates of his son and brother, dismissing the claims as a “bunch of lies.” The National Archives has announced its intention to provide over 62,000 pages of additional records in response to requests from the House Oversight Committee, shedding light on President Biden’s communications through email aliases and records related to Hunter Biden.

According to a source familiar with the matter, these records are expected to be handed over to the committee in the coming days. This production is in addition to the 20,000 pages of records from Biden’s time as vice president that have already been made public on the National Archives’ website. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, initially requested unredacted emails between Biden and Hunter Biden’s business associates in September. The committee sought unrestricted special access to a case record titled “Records on Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Their Foreign Business Dealings,” which became public due to an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by America First Legal.

In August, Comer specifically asked for any documents or communications containing pseudonyms for Joe Biden, such as Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware. He also requested any communication involving Hunter Biden and/or his business associates Eric Schwerin or Devon Archer. Additionally, Comer sought drafts of Biden’s speech to the Ukrainian Rada in 2015, as well as records related to his travel on Marine Two and Air Force Two.

Comer criticized the Biden White House for its lack of cooperation, stating, “The White House is trying to make an appearance of cooperation after two brave IRS whistleblowers yesterday provided information revealing Joe Biden used an alias as vice president to email directly with Hunter Biden’s business associate.” Comer referred to records released by the House Ways & Means Committee from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, which uncovered metadata indicating that Joe Biden, while serving as vice president, communicated with Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin using email aliases.

When asked about the emails during a press conference, President Biden vehemently denied their existence, calling them “lies” and stating, “It’s a bunch of lies.” House Oversight Committee Republicans responded by posting on social media, “President Biden SHOCKED when confronted about the lies he told regarding his interactions related to his family cashing in on the Biden name.”

Eric Schwerin, who served as president of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and as then-Vice President Biden’s “bookkeeper” from 2009 to 2017, claimed during a meeting with the House Oversight Committee staff in March 2023 that he was unaware of any transactions related to the then-Vice President’s bank account involving Biden family business. The White House has used Schwerin’s statement to counter Republicans’ impeachment inquiry.

A person familiar with Schwerin’s role stated that he worked on Biden’s personal budget and coordinated with his tax preparers. The frequency of Schwerin’s communications with Biden and his top aides suggested that discussions about Rosemont Seneca business were inevitable.

Chairman Comer has subpoenaed Schwerin for a deposition on November 9, and the committee is currently in discussions with his attorney to arrange a date for the deposition. Comer is co-leading the House impeachment inquiry against President Biden alongside House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith.

In conclusion, President Biden denies allegations of interacting with his family’s business associates, while the National Archives plans to release additional records that may shed light on his communications and activities. The ongoing investigation by the House Oversight Committee and the impeachment inquiry led by Comer, Jordan, and Smith continue to raise questions about the Biden administration’s transparency and accountability.

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