President Biden Denies Allegations, White House Offers Meeting to Discuss Subpoena in Ongoing Investigation

President Biden has vehemently denied allegations regarding his interaction with the business associates of his son and brother, calling them a “bunch of lies” during a recent press conference. The White House has now offered to meet with House Republicans to discuss their subpoena for former White House Counsel Dana Remus. The White House argues that Remus’ testimony could potentially interfere with the ongoing special counsel investigation into President Biden’s alleged improper retention of classified records.

In a letter obtained exclusively by Fox News, Special Counsel to the President Richard Sauber wrote to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, expressing the White House’s willingness to engage in discussions to address the “substantial Executive Branch institutional interests” implicated by the subpoena. Sauber also raised concerns about Congress seeking to interfere with the Department of Justice investigation by seeking testimony on matters that are already under special counsel investigation.

The letter was in response to a previously unreported letter sent by Comer and Jordan to Sauber, stating their willingness to work with the White House to address any legitimate Executive Branch institutional interests. However, a spokesperson for the House Oversight Committee criticized the White House for obstructing Congress’ investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified documents and involvement in his family’s influence peddling schemes.

The House Republicans had subpoenaed Remus to appear for a deposition as part of their investigation into President Biden’s alleged mishandling and improper retention of classified records. Comer and Jordan expect Remus to comply and appear for a deposition, as they argue there is no legal basis or privilege that would prohibit her compliance.

Remus, who is described as a central figure in the early stages of coordinating the packing and moving of boxes containing classified materials, could provide unique knowledge about the matter, according to Comer. The subpoena was issued after Comer demanded answers from Special Counsel Robert Hur regarding whether the classified documents retained by Biden were related to specific countries involved in his family’s foreign business deals.

Hur’s investigation was initiated after a batch of records from President Biden’s time as vice president, including some documents with classified markings, were discovered at the Penn Biden Center. Additional classified records were found at President Biden’s Wilmington home, leading to Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing Hur as special counsel to investigate the matter.

The White House spokesperson for investigations, Ian Sams, stated that the president and the White House are cooperating with the investigation and providing relevant updates publicly while protecting the integrity of the investigation.

In conclusion, President Biden has denied allegations and called them lies, while the White House has offered to meet with House Republicans to address concerns regarding the ongoing investigation. The subpoena for former White House Counsel Dana Remus is part of the investigation into President Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified records. The White House argues that Remus’ testimony could interfere with the Department of Justice’s ongoing special counsel investigation. The House Republicans expect Remus to comply with the subpoena, and the White House has been accused of obstructing Congress’ investigation. The investigation stems from the discovery of classified records at the Penn Biden Center and President Biden’s Wilmington home, leading to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Hur.

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