Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley Calls for Voting Rights for Incarcerated Citizens, Pushes for Lowering Voting Age to 16

In a press conference on Wednesday, Democrat Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, a member of the far-left ‘Squad’, introduced the Inclusive Democracy Act along with Democrat Vermont Sen. Peter Welch. The bill aims to restore felons’ voting rights and allow incarcerated citizens to vote in federal elections. Pressley emphasized the importance of expanding access to the ballot box, especially for marginalized communities.

During the press conference, Pressley criticized Republicans and the Supreme Court for undermining voting rights and excluding Black and brown individuals from participating in the democratic process. She highlighted the fact that approximately 4.6 million people were unable to vote in the 2022 elections due to felony convictions, disproportionately affecting Black and Hispanic citizens. Pressley argued that Jim Crow is not a thing of the past, citing the former president’s role in the Capitol insurrection and the ongoing disenfranchisement of millions of citizens with criminal records.

Pressley also expressed her support for lowering the federal voting age to 16, emphasizing her previous advocacy for expanded access to the ballot box during her time as a Boston city councilor. She called for ballots to be available in multiple languages and for the expansion of early voting in local elections. Pressley urged the Department of Justice to protect voting rights and fight against voter suppression.

The Inclusive Democracy Act proposed by Pressley and Welch not only seeks to restore felons’ voting rights but also requires incarcerated individuals to be educated on their voting rights. The bill includes provisions for voting registration systems and resources, as well as the ability to vote by mail for incarcerated individuals.

It is important to note that the Republican-controlled House poses significant challenges to the passage of this legislation. However, Pressley remains determined to fight for voting rights for everyone and believes that the stakes for democracy could not be higher.

While the proposed bill focuses on federal elections, voting eligibility for state and local elections will continue to be determined by states and territories. This means that states can still expand or restrict access to voting for state and local elections according to their own laws.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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