Chinese Student Deported After Alleged Attempt to Poison Neighbor in Florida

A former University of South Florida chemistry student has been deported to China after being caught on video attempting to poison his neighbor. Xuming Li, 36, was arrested on June 27 after his neighbor, Umar Abdullah, captured him on surveillance video crouching next to his front door and using a syringe to pump a mixture of deadly toxins into his apartment. Li’s attorney, Adam Bantner, has confirmed that Li had been deported and is unlikely to face charges in the U.S. due to the cancellation of his student visa.

According to Bantner, Li was expelled from school, which led to the cancellation of his visa. However, if Li ever returns to the U.S., the arrest warrant could be activated. Li had been pursuing his doctorate in chemistry on a student visa and had pleaded not guilty to charges including battery and possession of a controlled substance.

During the initial arrest, a hazardous materials team discovered that the substance Li was injecting into Abdullah’s home was a mixture of the opioids methadone and hydrocodone. The incident appears to have been motivated by an ongoing noise dispute between the two neighbors, with Abdullah’s apartment located above Li’s.

The poisoning incident had severe consequences for Abdullah and his family. Abdullah, his wife Samira, and their infant daughter all fell ill after being exposed to the toxic substances injected by Li. The incident has raised concerns about the safety of residents in the community.

While Li has been deported and may not face immediate consequences in the U.S., the incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and conflicts that can arise between neighbors. Authorities will continue to monitor the situation, and Li’s deportation emphasizes the importance of maintaining a safe and peaceful living environment for all residents.

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