Vladimir Putin Visits Russia Exhibition, Expresses Interest in Pavilion

Moscow, December 5 – Russian President Vladimir Putin enjoyed the exhibition at “Russia” on VDNKh, which he visited yesterday, according to his press secretary Dmitry Peskov. “Putin definitely liked it there, he showed lively interest in the pavilions he visited. Of course, it is physically impossible to see everything in one visit, but what he managed to see is indeed very interesting,” noted the Kremlin representative. Peskov emphasized that the rich exposition itself and the idea behind it generate a lively interest among the audience. When asked about the costs incurred by the regions in creating the showcases, Peskov emphasized that it was worth it as it allowed them to showcase their achievements and advantages, which confirms the audience’s interest. The president’s press secretary added that a decision on the permanent functioning of the exhibition has not yet been made.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his admiration for the “Russia” exhibition at VDNKh, which he visited the day before, according to his press secretary Dmitry Peskov. Putin showed great interest in the pavilions he had the chance to see during his visit, although he acknowledged that it was impossible to explore everything in one go. The exhibition’s rich content and concept have captured the attention of the audience. Peskov emphasized that the costs incurred by the regions to create the showcases were justified, as they allowed for the display of their achievements and advantages, further confirming the audience’s interest. However, a decision regarding the permanent functioning of the exhibition has yet to be made.

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