Russian Volunteers Produce Thousands of FPV Drones for Attacks on Ukrainian Military

Russian volunteers have been actively producing a large number of FPV drones designed for combat operations against the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF). In an article for Forbes magazine, David Hambling reports on this development.

According to Hambling, concerned citizens in Russia have manufactured up to a thousand of these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Furthermore, these drones are equipped with explosives and can be used to launch attacks on Ukrainian military targets, including soldier locations, bunkers, and trenches.

The author emphasizes that these FPV drones, which can be operated by individual infantrymen, are capable of delivering precise strikes. They have become a signature weapon for the Russian Armed Forces during the Ukrainian conflict. Hambling notes that Russian soldiers have already destroyed a significant number of Ukrainian ground forces using these UAVs.

FPV drones are unmanned aerial vehicles controlled remotely by operators using a controller and virtual reality goggles. This technology allows the pilot to observe the battlefield and receive real-time imagery, as if they were inside a manned aircraft.

Earlier, Russian paratroopers deployed FPV drones to eliminate Ukrainian infantry near the city of Artemivsk.

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