Russian Aviation Factory Completes Defense Order for Modernizing Fighter Jets

The Sokol Nizhny Novgorod Aircraft Plant, part of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and a subsidiary of the state corporation Rostec, has successfully fulfilled the defense order program for 2023 for the Ministry of Defense of Russia. This was announced by TASS.

The ministry explained that the government order is related to the repair and modernization of MiG-31 interceptor fighters. They further clarified that the aircraft have already been handed over to the Ministry of Defense of Russia and sent to their respective bases.

Prior to this, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant manufactured and delivered new Su-30SM2 fighters and Yak-130 combat training aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defense. It is also noted that production of aircraft under the 2024 program has already begun.

The UAC specified that the Su-30SM2 and Yak-130 aircraft have undergone the necessary ground and flight tests, after which they were deployed to their designated service locations.

Last week, Rostec announced that the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) will deliver another batch of fifth-generation Su-57 fighters to the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) by the end of 2023.

Increased interest in the Su-57 fighter has been observed abroad.

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