Republican Lawmaker Calls on ActBlue to Stop Processing Donations for Hamas-Sympathizing Groups

In an interview on “FOX News Sunday,” the National Security Council (NSC) communications coordinator responded to progressive pushback against U.S. aid to Israel. Meanwhile, a prominent Republican lawmaker, Senator Steve Daines of Montana, has called on ActBlue, the leading fundraising platform for Democrat campaigns and groups, to stop processing contributions for organizations that have shown support for Hamas.

ActBlue, which has raised over $12 billion for Democrat politicians and causes, has been found to process donations for several groups that have either participated in or amplified rallies celebrating Hamas’ violent attack on innocent Israeli civilians. One such group is the U.S.-Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), which organized protests across the country in support of Hamas’ actions. These protests have garnered controversy due to their antisemitic undertones and glorification of violence.

Senator Daines expressed his shock that ActBlue, as the primary fundraising vehicle for Democrats, is indirectly supporting antisemitic protests where Hamas terrorists are honored as martyrs. He called for ActBlue to cut off access to these pro-Hamas groups or for Democrats to leave the platform altogether.

The article highlights some of the specific instances where ActBlue has helped process donations for organizations with ties to Hamas. For example, the USPCN organized an “All Out for Palestine” protest in Houston, where Hamas was praised as “martyrs.” Similar rallies were held in other cities, including Detroit, where protesters chanted, “When people are occupied, violence is justified.” The article also mentions the National March on Washington for Palestine, organized by the USPCN, where offensive signs equating Israel to Nazis were displayed.

In addition to the USPCN, ActBlue also processes donations for the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and some of its chapters, which have also shown support for Hamas-sympathizing protests. The article mentions instances where DSA chapters promoted rallies that justified Hamas’ attacks as a response to Israeli “occupation.”

Furthermore, ActBlue facilitates donations for Palestine Legal, an organization that works to protect activists who support Palestine. This group openly celebrated Hamas’ raid, describing it as a significant act of resistance against Israel’s settler colonial project.

The article notes that ActBlue also processes donations for Black Lives Matter (BLM) Grassroots. BLM Grassroots has released a “Black-Palestinian Solidarity Toolkit” that promotes anti-Israel events and campaigns, including demands for a cease-fire.

Despite multiple attempts to reach ActBlue for comment, the organization did not respond.

In conclusion, Senator Daines’ call for ActBlue to stop processing donations for Hamas-sympathizing groups has sparked a debate about the platform’s role in indirectly supporting antisemitic protests. As ActBlue continues to be the primary fundraising vehicle for Democrats, the article raises questions about the party’s stance on these issues and whether they will address the concerns raised by Senator Daines.

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