IDF Reports Mortar Attacks from Lebanon on Military Posts

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have reported multiple instances of mortar attacks originating from Lebanon and targeting military posts in the northern region of the country. In response, the IDF swiftly retaliated by launching artillery strikes on the sources of the attacks. The incidents were recorded during the night, with several mortar shelling events directed towards IDF posts in the Shetula area. Another IDF post in the Yifta area also came under mortar fire. The IDF has confirmed that three soldiers sustained minor injuries as a result of the shelling and were promptly evacuated for medical treatment.

This recent attack follows a similar incident on December 3rd, when the IDF reported an attack originating from Syrian territory. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has previously expressed concerns about the actions of Hezbollah and did not rule out the possibility of taking military action against Lebanon.

It is worth noting that the Shiite movement “Ansar Allah” (Houthis) has also declared its intention to resume strikes on Israel following the ceasefire in the Gaza sector.

This development highlights the ongoing tensions in the region and the challenges faced by the IDF in maintaining security along its borders. The Israeli government and military continue to monitor the situation closely and take necessary measures to protect its personnel and territory.

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