Study Reveals Higher Death Rates Among Black Women During Medieval Plague in London

A recent study conducted by the Museum of London has shed light on the higher death rates among Black women of African descent during the devastating medieval plague in London. The study examined 145 bodies from three different cemeteries and found that a higher proportion of female people of color were buried in plague burials compared to non-plague burials.

According to the study, there was a significantly higher proportion of people with estimated African affiliation in the plague burials (18.4% vs. 8.3%). The study also found that, among the female-only sample, individuals with estimated African population affinity had a significantly higher estimated hazard of dying from the plague compared to those with estimated white European affinity. However, the study emphasizes that this does not imply a biological basis of race, but rather reflects the biological and psychosocial effects of racism.

The medieval plague, commonly known as the “Black Death,” was a widespread outbreak of disease that occurred between 1348 and 1350, claiming millions of lives across Asia and Europe. In London alone, approximately 35,000 people died from the plague. The study suggests that the higher death rate among people of color can be attributed to the “devastating effects” of “premodern structural racism” during that time period.

The study also highlights the social and religious divisions caused by the influx of roughly 18,000 foreigners to London between 1336 and 1584. This could have contributed to the higher death rates among people of color, as they faced additional hardships and discrimination.

Dr. Joseph Hefner, an associate professor of anthropology at Michigan State University, praised the study for its in-depth analysis of London’s diverse population during the medieval period. He believes that combining bioarchaeological and forensic anthropological methods provides a more nuanced understanding of the data.

Dr. Rebecca Redfern of the Museum of London drew parallels between the study’s findings and the current experiences of people of color. She emphasized the importance of archaeological research in understanding the lives and experiences of marginalized communities. Redfern also highlighted the role of social and economic environments in determining people’s health, drawing a comparison to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

This study contributes to our understanding of the impact of the medieval plague on different communities in London. It underscores the importance of addressing the biological and psychosocial effects of racism in order to promote health equity and combat health disparities today.

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