Senate Democrats Warn of Harmful Changes to Asylum System Amid Aid Package Negotiations

Senate Democrats have issued a warning about potential “harmful changes” to the asylum system as negotiations continue for the supplemental aid package requested by the Biden administration for aid to Ukraine and Israel. The Democrats argue that any permanent policy changes must be accompanied by a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants already in the United States.

The coalition of 11 Democratic senators, including Sens. Bob Menendez, Alex Padilla, and Elizabeth Warren, expressed concerns about reports of changes that could deny humanitarian protection for vulnerable people, including children, and fail to improve the situation at the border. They emphasized the need for meaningful improvements to address the border crisis.

Negotiations have been ongoing in Congress over the $106 billion supplemental aid package, which includes funding for border operations, Ukraine, and Israel. Republicans have been pushing for limits on asylum, such as raising the credible fear screening standards and restricting the use of humanitarian parole. Earlier this year, the House passed a GOP border and immigration bill that proposed significant reductions in parole and asylum.

While the Senate has not passed that bill, some elements were included in an initial supplemental spending proposal by a GOP working group. The proposals aim to raise the credible fear standard, tighten asylum limits for those who have not claimed asylum in third countries, and make migrants with felony or serious crime records ineligible for asylum.

The proposals also include a requirement for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to keep families in custody while charges for illegal crossings are pending. This is an effort to prevent migrants from bringing children to expedite their release from custody. However, these proposals were rejected by the White House and Senate Democrats.

Sen. Thom Tillis expressed the need for “certainty” in the use of the parole process. As negotiations continue, liberal Democratic senators are concerned that the supplemental agreement could include changes to immigration and asylum processes without providing amnesty for undocumented immigrants already in the U.S.

The senators argue that using a one-time spending package to enact permanent policy changes sets a dangerous precedent and risks assistance to international partners. They emphasize the importance of including a clear path to legalization for long-standing undocumented immigrants in any proposal considering permanent changes to the asylum and immigration system.

The Democrats remain committed to working on a bipartisan basis to modernize the outdated immigration system and secure the border. They believe that increasing lawful pathways for migration and legalizing long-time undocumented immigrants is essential to both border security and supporting American communities.

In conclusion, Senate Democrats are sounding the alarm about potential harmful changes to the asylum system amidst negotiations for the supplemental aid package. They assert that any permanent policy changes must be accompanied by a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants already in the United States. The outcome of these negotiations will have significant implications for border security and immigration policies.

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