House Oversight Committee Chairman Plans Transparent Hearing for Hunter Biden’s Testimony

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, has announced that he will be releasing the transcript of Hunter Biden’s deposition later this month. Comer also plans to schedule a public hearing for President Biden’s son after he testifies behind closed doors. This move is being hailed as the “most transparent major congressional investigation in history.”

Comer had subpoenaed Hunter Biden for a deposition earlier this month, but the president’s son’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, offered a public hearing instead. Democrats have criticized Comer and House Republicans for not accepting this offer, claiming that it shows a weak case against Hunter Biden.

In an interview with Digital, Comer dismissed these claims and emphasized that the deposition will be transparent. He stated that his committee has accumulated a significant amount of evidence and has hundreds of questions for Hunter Biden. Comer believes that a public hearing would not be an efficient setting to address all the questions, as the time constraints would limit the depth of the investigation.

Comer highlighted the committee’s commitment to transparency by mentioning that they have consistently released transcripts and presented new evidence to the public. He also criticized his Democratic colleagues for their double standard, noting that they conducted depositions during the January 6 investigation and even showed films of those depositions during public hearings.

The top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, Representative Jamie Raskin, criticized Comer’s denial of Hunter Biden’s request for a public hearing, calling it an “epic humiliation.” Raskin accused Comer and the Republicans of lacking confidence in their own case and the ability of their members to pursue it.

Former Representative Jason Chaffetz, who previously served as the House Oversight Committee chairman, defended Comer’s decision, stating that it is normal for a serious investigation to conduct a transcribed interview or deposition before a public hearing. Chaffetz emphasized that the goal should be to have a thorough investigation, and a deposition allows for a more in-depth examination of the facts.

Chaffetz speculated that Hunter Biden’s team prefers a public hearing because it is easier to filibuster a five-minute set of questions from a member of Congress. He believes that a transcribed interview with Hunter Biden would provide a more detailed and extensive examination of the facts.

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s attorney, accused Comer and Republicans of using closed-door sessions to manipulate the facts. Lowell proposed opening the proceedings to the public, arguing that if the investigation is important and involves issues that Americans should know about, transparency should be prioritized.

Despite Democratic objections, Comer remains steadfast in his commitment to a comprehensive investigation. He believes that his months-long investigation has uncovered evidence of serious crimes, including money laundering, unregistered foreign agent activities, and securities fraud, involving the Biden family.

Comer’s determination to conduct a transparent hearing and release the transcripts demonstrates his intention to provide the American people with the facts and hold individuals accountable for their actions. As the investigation continues, the public awaits Hunter Biden’s deposition, which is expected to shed light on the alleged corruption surrounding the Biden family’s business dealings.

Brooke Singman is a Digital politics reporter at Fox News. You can reach her at [email protected] or @BrookeSingman on Twitter. Stay updated with the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more political content by subscribing to this newsletter.

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