DeSantis Dominates Debate Against Newsom on Homeless Crisis, Conservatives Celebrate

In a fiery debate on Hannity, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom clashed over the ongoing homeless crisis, with conservatives across social media hailing DeSantis’ performance and declaring him the clear winner. The debate, which showcased the stark differences in approach between the two governors, ignited a wave of support for DeSantis and highlighted the growing dissatisfaction with Newsom’s leadership.

Conservative radio host Mark Levin took to Twitter to express his enthusiasm for DeSantis, stating, “DeSantis is kicking Newsom’s ass. In fact, Newsom is looking and sounding silly.” Levin further praised DeSantis, asserting, “DeSantis went up against the Democrat Party star and whipped him. It’s just that simple.” Outkick founder Clay Travis, who initially expected Newsom to be likable and intelligent, admitted, “I was 100% wrong on this debate. This is a massacre. Complete and total win for DeSantis from open to close.”

The Trump campaign also weighed in on the debate, dubbing DeSantis a “thirsty OnlyFans wannabe” for engaging with Newsom, which they considered a “kiss of death.” Despite the criticism, DeSantis remained unfazed, delivering a strong performance that resonated with conservatives who praised his ability to dismantle Newsom’s arguments and present factual evidence.

The emotional impact of the debate was evident in a heartfelt post by Andrew Pollack, whose daughter tragically lost her life in the Parkland mass shooting. Pollack expressed gratitude for DeSantis, remarking, “Ron DeSantis was not even Governor when it happened, but I’m sure as hell glad he became Governor shortly after. Governor DeSantis fired the incompetent people responsible; he didn’t demonize lawful gun owners. Newsom is trash!”

Conservative commentator Chris Loesch applauded DeSantis for exposing Newsom’s falsehoods, stating, “If you aren’t blind, you are witnessing the dismantling of the California Governor. DeSantis is destroying him with a simple comparison of records!” The sentiment was echoed by Dave Rubin, who highlighted Newsom’s disconnect from reality and praised DeSantis for laying out facts and exposing the left’s flawed narratives.

Jordan Schachtel, a Substack publisher, went as far as to suggest that DeSantis had put an end to Newsom’s presidential ambitions, describing him as a “soulless lizard person” and commending DeSantis for his strong performance.

In response to the debate, a Newsom spokesperson directed attention to social media posts from conservatives who believed that DeSantis had lost, including GOP strategist Mike Madrid, who claimed that Newsom was “bludgeoning” the Florida governor. However, such opinions were overshadowed by the overwhelming support for DeSantis.

As the debate concluded, Newsom took to social media, seemingly unfazed by his performance, and posted, “That was fun – I could have kept going!” The clash between DeSantis and Newsom served as a stark reminder of the deep divisions between conservative and liberal approaches to tackling the homeless crisis.

Overall, DeSantis’ strong showing in the debate has solidified his position as a rising star within the Republican Party, with many conservatives applauding his ability to effectively challenge his opponents. The debate has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the political landscape, fueling discussions about the stark differences in leadership styles and highlighting the growing support for DeSantis as a potential presidential candidate in the future.

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