Republican Congresswoman Warns of Chinese, Russian, and Iranian Influence in the Western Hemisphere

Rep. María Elvira Salazar, a Republican congresswoman from Florida, has raised concerns about the growing influence of China, Russia, and Iran in the Western Hemisphere. In an interview with Digital, Salazar emphasized the need to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, as these countries pose a threat to the United States and its interests in Latin America.

Salazar highlighted China’s Belt and Roads project, which she believes is a tactic to gain control over Latin American countries by indebting them through infrastructure projects. She criticized the United States for neglecting the Western Hemisphere, allowing “evil empires” like Russia, China, and Iran to invade the region. Salazar argued that the United States must recognize its responsibility to protect Latin America and maintain a close relationship with its neighbors.

The Monroe Doctrine, articulated by President James Monroe in 1823, aimed to prevent foreign colonization in the American continents. Salazar intends to introduce a resolution to reassert the United States’ rights and interests in accordance with the Monroe Doctrine. She emphasizes the importance of opposing any foreign power that could endanger or undermine democracies in the Western Hemisphere. Salazar believes that the principles of freedom and independence, enshrined in the Monroe Doctrine, should remain fundamental to U.S. foreign policy.

The Monroe Doctrine played a crucial role in history, such as helping the Mexican president lead a successful revolt against the French Empire in 1865. It was also invoked by President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Salazar argues that two centuries later, China and Russia exploit social media to spread their influence globally. She warns that China’s treatment of its own citizens raises concerns about how it would treat Latin Americans.

Salazar points to the massive influx of illegal immigrants attempting to reach the U.S.-Mexico border as evidence that Latin Americans perceive the United States as the best superpower. She believes that the United States needs to re-engage with Latin America to counter the influence of China and Russia. Salazar argues that once Latin America understands that the United States is committed to supporting its prosperity, it will shut its doors to China and Russia.

The Biden administration has faced criticism from Republicans for its handling of the border crisis. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Geoffrey Pyatt has testified about the administration’s efforts to counter China’s economic dependencies and coercive tactics in Latin America.

Salazar’s resolution highlights the concerns raised by the U.S. military’s southern and northern commands about China’s encroachment upon critical infrastructure and Russia’s disinformation campaigns in Latin America. It emphasizes the need to confront these external malign actors and protect the rules-based international order.

In conclusion, Rep. María Elvira Salazar’s warning about the influence of China, Russia, and Iran in the Western Hemisphere highlights the importance of commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. Salazar emphasizes the need for the United States to protect its interests and maintain a close relationship with Latin American countries. The resolution she intends to introduce aims to reaffirm the principles of freedom and independence and counter the influence of foreign powers in the region.

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