House Republicans Push for Election Security Measures Ahead of 2024 Races

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appeared on ‘FOX & Friends’ to criticize the Biden administration’s policies in the Middle East, claiming they have emboldened U.S. adversaries. In addition, McCarthy analyzed a recent poll that shows President Biden losing ground among Black voters. These remarks come as House Republicans make a renewed effort to strengthen election security just weeks before the 2024 races formally kick off.

The Committee on House Administration has scheduled a meeting on Thursday to advance seven different bills addressing election security at the federal, state, and local levels. Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, a Republican from Wisconsin, described the proposed bills as commonsense reforms aimed at bolstering the integrity of American elections. The set of bills includes measures such as allowing states to require proof of citizenship for mail-in voting, enhancing communication between the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration to verify voter citizenship, and repealing a law in Washington, D.C. that permits non-citizens to vote in local elections.

Notably, Democrats have broadly opposed these GOP election security efforts, accusing Republicans of attempting to suppress voter turnout. However, Chairman Steil believes that the repeal of the D.C. law should be a bipartisan concern. He cited the example of foreign nationals working with foreign embassies in D.C. who have been in the city for 30 days being eligible to vote for the mayor, which even some Democrats found objectionable.

Another bill put forward by Republicans seeks to prohibit foreign nationals from making political contributions in elections or on ballot initiatives and public referendums. Chairman Steil argues that this measure should be a “no brainer” for Democrats to support, as it would help prevent foreign interference in U.S. elections.

The committee meeting on Thursday comes ahead of the Iowa caucus, the first contest of the 2024 presidential election, which is scheduled for January 15. By advancing these bills as individual pieces of legislation, Chairman Steil hopes to increase their chances of passing and to hold Democrats accountable for their positions on election security.

While some have raised concerns about voter fraud and election insecurity in the 2020 and 2022 elections, Chairman Steil did not directly address these issues. Instead, he emphasized the importance of enhancing people’s confidence in the election process and building trust through stronger election integrity.

In conclusion, House Republicans are pushing for election security measures through a series of bills ahead of the 2024 races. Democrats have raised objections, but Chairman Steil believes that these reforms are necessary to strengthen the integrity of American elections. The upcoming committee meeting will provide an opportunity to advance these bills and gauge the level of bipartisan support.

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