Healthcare System in Gaza Strip on the Verge of Collapse Amid Ongoing Israeli Attacks

The burden on the few remaining hospitals operating in central and southern Gaza Strip has increased as the healthcare system in the region collapses amidst ongoing Israeli attacks. The European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis, located in the southern part of the strip, is facing overwhelming challenges in providing medical care to the injured and displaced Palestinians.

Ahmed Isleem, a survivor of an Israeli attack on his home, lies in the hospital surrounded by the sounds of other patients in pain. Isleem’s wife, daughter, and 10 other family members and neighbors lost their lives in the attack. He expresses his despair, stating, “I cannot believe that I am still alive. Getting out from under the rubble was very difficult. I wished I had been martyred with my family instead of the suffering and pain I am experiencing now.”

Due to the lack of fuel and medical supplies, as well as the targeting of hospitals by the Israeli military, the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip is on the brink of collapse. Hospitals in northern Gaza and Gaza City have been rendered out of service, increasing the burden on the few functional hospitals in the central and southern parts of the enclave. The European Gaza Hospital receives dozens of Palestinians killed and wounded on a daily basis, some of whom are referrals from overwhelmed hospitals.

The hospital has become a place of shelter for displaced people, despite the lack of provisions. Khawla Abu Daqqa, a mother of five, fled to the hospital with her children, stating, “Where do we go? We have no shelter. Everything is difficult here, from finding food, water, and even sleep. I wish I could sleep at least five hours a day. I cannot sleep or rest. I hope this war will stop for everyone.”

Dr. Youssef al-Aqqad, the director of the European Gaza Hospital, describes the dire situation within the hospital. Displaced people are forced to find any available space, such as patient rooms, corridors, stairs, and even the hospital garden. The lack of services, including food, water, and electricity, further compounds the challenges faced by these vulnerable individuals. Al-Aqqad also expresses concern about the Israeli army’s targeting of hospitals, which adds to the fear and terror experienced by patients and displaced people.

The hospital is overwhelmed with the arrival of dozens of wounded people daily from cities like Rafah and Khan Younis. The increasing number of infections has surpassed the hospital’s capacity, leading to the establishment of a field hospital in a nearby school to treat patients with moderate or minor infections. However, this makeshift solution faces numerous challenges, including the lack of medical equipment and exhausted medical staff who are already stretched thin.

Out of the 35 hospitals in the Gaza Strip, 26 are not functioning due to the lack of fuel and attacks by the Israeli army. The Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip has been repeatedly bombed, forcing the evacuation of doctors and the wounded. As a result, the Ministry of Health in Gaza has redistributed the injured to hospitals in the central and southern parts of the strip, further straining their capacities.

Dr. Al-Aqqad appeals to international health and human rights organizations to intervene and halt the ongoing attacks on Gaza. He describes the unprecedented situation, stating, “I have never seen in my life hospitals that are besieged and bombed out of service and forced to discharge patients before completing their recovery process. What we are experiencing is the worst of all. Save what remains of the people of Gaza.”

The dire situation in the Gaza Strip’s healthcare system highlights the urgent need for immediate intervention and assistance to alleviate the suffering of the people in the region. The ongoing Israeli attacks have left hospitals overwhelmed, lacking essential resources, and struggling to provide adequate medical care to the injured. The international community must take action to ensure the protection of healthcare facilities and the well-being of the people of Gaza.

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